Finally, An Update

So, just an update to let everyone know what I’ve been doing. Sorry for neglecting the page the past couple of months, but I really haven’t had much news until now. I had to set Broken Worlds III aside for a while to finish another story. Some of you may remember me talking about my “Rockets and Rayguns” story from the 2014 NaNoWriMo. Well, I have been working on polishing it up a bit and have started querying it, looking for representation. I’ve only just started and am weeks away from having any news, but I have needed to set this into motion for too long.
Now I can set that aside and tackle the last few edits to Broken Worlds III. It has been quite the journey with this book and it is finally nearing the end. I’ve given myself until mid-March to have it ready for digital and print. The cover has been finished and the title chosen, and now I am finishing the last of the copy editing (I’ve lost count as to how many times I’ve been through it).
Once I know for certain that I have it finished, I’ll post the cover and the cover copy. I know this has taken forever (2+ years now), but I hope your patience will have been worth it. Jake’s story finally comes to a conclusion – but the adventures will continue. I’m already thinking about Book IV: The Fairy War. Unfortunately, it may be a while until you see it. I hope to be working on some more stories for traditional publishing at the same time.
Stay tuned (or Please tune back in), I’ll have another update soon.
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